Or should that be vague plans?
- Attend FOSDEM. I’ve been incredibly lazy the last few years and haven’t attended.
- Try to prevent the PET Centre from eating my life. This is probably more of a vain hope than a resolution.
- Buy a flat or learn to drive. Because unless I make it an either/or I will do neither.
- Attend the spring UKUUG meeting. Understanding kerberos is probably a worthwhile endeavour even if I never use it.
- Skate more. Assuming we actually get a summer this year it shouldn’t be to hard to top the dismal amount of skating I did last year.
- Attend at least one observing night of the Cardiff Astronomical Society to remember what the night sky is supposed to look like.
- Migrate Peapod to a sensible modern XML library to fix some of its more annoying bugs
- Make an effort to visit friends. Which is just code for be less of a social hermit.